L.I.F.E. !?
What is the purpose of life? Hm... that is the hard question. I gues to be happy. But what means to be happy?
Happiness has many definitions. We all diferent interpretate what happiness is.
Happiness is not in things, is in you - Robert Holden
The happiness of your lifes depends on the quality of your thoughts - Marcus Aurelius
How to live life to the fullest in our time. We have stressfull jobs, schools are hard, many social problems, natural disasters that change our lives, broken hearts...
Everything can change if we recreate our minds. For me it really helps if i think in coulors. Ok...that sounds stupid, but it helps. Thats like its not all black and white, but just put some coulors in your mind.
Create a piece in your mind. You cant just be stressed if everybody around you is nervous and anxious. You must be a guy that says: Hei its not so hard. Everything is gona be okay.
Everyone need goals in life. Life without any goals its not life anymore but its like surviving days and nights. Write down some goals that you would like to realize in your lifetime. For example: write a book, visit new places, visit some course, study psychology, get a job in industry...
Make some quotes that encourage you. Listen some good music and keep it in your mind. It works! ;) Just dont be afraid and stop doing what you like.
I heared that God have plans for everyone. And we cant even imagine how big this plans are. Life can change on better! Just believe <3
Spread the LOVE, Angie